Monday 21 January 2013

Costume Ideas

My Costume Ideas
Costume Ideas
Little Mix
My magazine is fairly colourful and bright so if the costumes in my photos were colourful the colours may clash with each other, so i have decided that to stop this from happening i will have my band/models in black clothing with colourful belts and shoes etc.  I focused on the style of "Little Mix" as this is who my bad would be based on.
Little Mix

My Models
I have decided to use my friends as the models for my band.
Ellie Ford- Average Height, Medium Length Blonde Hair
Rosie Jones- Average Height, Long Light Brown Hair
Frankie Lane- Fairly Tall, Long Brown/Red Hair
Emma Thomas- Fairly Short, Medium Length Brown Hair

My Models


My Location

My photos shoot is gonna take place at Portishead Youth Club. I chose this place as its fairly large so i will be able to spread my models out around the space. Another reason is because there is alot of lighting that can be used in the room as well as the natural light from the windows.

Sunday 20 January 2013

We Love Pop New Front Cover

After looking at 'we love pop' Christmas special magazine i decide there were a few thing that i saw that would like to import into my magazine front cover.
One of the things was the idea of having the photo collage of new artists and celebrities in the bottom right hand corner. I also liked the idea of having the main title in the left hand corner on a slight slant. So i decided to use this in my magazine. As i was looking at this we love pop magazine i drew a rough sketch of what my new design would be like.....

               My New Front Cover
My New front cover relates more to "We Love Pop" And it also makes the magazine look more realistic. We love Pop layout is very scattered around and looks as though its full of gossip and information. By doing this it makes my magazine stand out more to teenagers that was the latest celebrity stories.

Main Image: My main image will be a photo of Big Mix with the Newest member of the band in front of The original members.Grouped together (Tight) Ellie in front of Emma, Frankie and Rosie (Full Body Shot)

Collage Of Images: Close up of each member x4
Medium close up of the group. 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Front Cover Evaluation

My colour scheme is purple and bright blue, I chose this as I thought its bright enough to attract the eye by not only the girls but boys too as is has a boy related colour involve (Blue)
My Stories on the front cover will include New pictures released, a top 20 in the charts article, a win a backstage pass to any concerts competition and an interview   with Abi, the newest member of ‘Big mix’.

Font Examples

I looked at different fonts on; I liked the look of these 5 fonts as they are very clear to read and stand out quite well against the different colour backgrounds.

First layout

This is my draft of my front cover.
The feed back i received from my questionnaire suggested that i should have a colour scheme of purple and blue. I decided to include the main image of the newest member of my main band "Big Mix" The title of my magazine "Popsic!" will be in bold writing so its easy to read and it will also attract the eye.

This is my draft of my contents page.
my contents page still uses the colour theme of purple and blue. I layed my contents page out having the headlines/article titles being on the left and the page numbers being on the right. I will also have photos scattered around the page. 

This is My draft of my double page spread.
My double page spread keeps the house style and colour theme of purple and blue. The stories on the pages involve an interview with the newest member of "Big Mix" and about their photographs from their photo shoot and the photos being released.

Contents Pages

 We Love Pop contents page
We love pop contents pages always have “WE LOVE THIS” written in bold capitals letters at the top of the page. At the bottom of the page is a row of images that are involved in the magazine. The page numbers and contents box is placed toward the bottom of the page with the title “INSIDE THIS 

Top Of The Pops contents page
The contents page of Top Of The Pops is very bright and colourful. I like the idea of having an image of the front cover at the top of the screen to show what pages the titles are on. I also like how the magazine has been split into different categories such as “We Love Shopping” and “All About You”

Double Page Spread

We Love Pop Double Page Spread
We love pop Double page spreads always have “WE LOVE THIS” written in bold capitals letters at the top of the page. At the bottom of the page is a row of images that are involved in the magazine. The page numbers and contents box is placed toward the bottom of the page with the title “INSIDE THIS MONTH…” 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Front Cover Design

This was one of my designs for the front cover of the pop magazine. The different colours represent the different elements needed on my cover such as the main image the bar code and title etc.

My Feedback from questionnaire

This was the feedback from my questionnaire about pop magazines. My feedback was very helpful and helped me to decided of colour scheme and what advertisement to use etc.